More scenes from the vet clinic

We did more shooting this morning for a local animal hospital. What a fun job this has been!

This poor little guy was waiting to be neutered... what a sad face.

This one was being intubated by the Doctor...

And a special treat for us this morning, we got to see two sea otters from the Oregon Coast Aquarium up close and personal.

Here the Doctor draws blood...

Up close and personal with the endotrachael tube, and the impressive teeth, which I hear they really know how to use on their handlers... this one is missing his lower canine.

So they did some dental x-rays...

I like how she nonchalantly has her hand on the sleeping otter... she's a new staff member and this is her first otter job.

A detail shot of a powerful back flipper.

Their flippers were surprisingly warm, and their coats are amazingly soft. They are really gorgeous creatures close up.


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