Road Trip! Part Seven: The Rocky Mountains

 The next couple of days were spent sightseeing in the Rockies with my favorite cousin, Melanie. One major highlight was a ride on the Georgetown Loop Railroad.  The weather was perfect, the company was awesome, and the scenery was second to none.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge them into a filmstrip view.

What a great ride!  I highly recommend it if you're ever in the Denver area.

Next, we went to Rocky Mountain National Park. 

Cousin Melanie got a shot of a moose; I was too far away.  Great shot, Mel!

This was mid-June.  It was fun to see snow and walk around on it, we don't get much here at the Oregon Coast!

I put my mom's ashes in the creek in her hometown. I sure do miss her.

Next up:  The Tetons!


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