Road Trip! Part Five

...such a fine sight to see!  They conveniently have a flatbed Ford parked there for posing purposes, so we grabbed some shots in Winslow, Arizona!

Next, we visited Arches National Park. We got up early for the timed entry and the parking lots were already mostly full when we drove through.  Amazing place, I can't wait to go back!

Phone home... in this light, this looks like a giant statue of E.T.!

We arrived in Denver and were treated to a nice breakfast in Morrison with my cousins and then a quick tour of Red Rocks Amphitheater.  What an amazing place!

Had a short visit with my late Mom's brother, my Uncle Jack.  He's 94!

I was able to visit with cousins on both sides of my family this trip, and I am so grateful for it! Next up: the family reunion on Dad's side to eulogize his last remaining sibling, his little sister, Irene.


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