Dismal Nitch

Took another road trip yesterday, this time up north into Washington State. The views are simply amazing on our gorgeous coast. This is how I felt when I peered over the edge of that cliff down into the pounding surf below... very cautious.
Between Cannon Beach and Seaside, I came across this spike elk grazing along the roadside. Nothing at all seemed to bother him in the least, even semi-trucks whooshing past at 55 mph. He did look at me a couple of times as I walked closer, but was much more interested in the roadside grass. He was so beautiful.
Saw another really big herd closer to Seaside during the day and yet another on the roadside after dark. They are everywhere out there this time of year.

Drove on up to the mighty Columbia and up to Ilwaco to check things out. This is a detail shot of a statue of an eagle defending whale bones on the harbor there. Saw some interesting sights in the harbor too. Loved the name of this boat, and the blue and white and the sky just all made a neat composition. This skiff hanging on the back of the boat is called "Co-Pirate". I love that.
"Cloud 9" has seen better days...This conglomeration of bumpers made me laugh... and the step-ladder hanging there for crew access inspired me to call this one... 'careful'.
Spotted this bald eagle in a tree on the side of the road. Gorgeous.
Then it was on to Dismal Nitch. I LOVE that name.
It is a beautiful spot with an interpretive display that is not quite finished. The detail in the bronze sculpture is just breathtaking. The surrounding area is great too, a nice stand of trees with benches and a stunning view of the Columbia River.
Then it was back across that huge bridge into Oregon and up to the Astoria Column. It was closed - they are replacing the spiral cast-iron staircase inside - so I wasn't able to try to get to the top. My vertigo issues are much less than they used to be but this was going to be a test. Maybe next time. This is the view of the Columbia from the base of the column.
And of course, the column itself. The detail on this monument is very interesting.
I did notice some cracking on the outer layers... this one actually had moss growing out of it...
Another fun road trip, seeing the sights of this beautiful area. I am a lucky girl to live in such a stunning location.


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