Here and There

Even tho the weather doesn't much feel like spring, the flowers in my yard are just going to town. They look awesome and very, very happy. Here is my huge clematis, the flowers are about 7" across.

The grapes my dad planted along my back fence years ago are happier than they've ever been, too. I didn't cut them back much last winter and now they are huge and covered with baby grapes. Yay!!

My neighbor gave me some iris bulbs several years ago, they've finally matured now to the point that they are blooming, several blooms on each stalk. They are just gorgeous.

This is my strawberry bed. I should have some ripe berries here very soon... assuming the weather actually does warm up and become summery... I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that.
I had a fun family shoot in Waldport this past weekend, here is one of my favorite shots. This was as we were finishing up and he was looking forward to going inside for some cocoa to warm up. It was a pleasant day for photographs but it was a little chilly. He reminds me of Clint Howard...
This is the same boy, in the center, letting us know - in no uncertain terms - that he was done with the photograph thing. I love the look on his cousin's face, the little girl on the right.
Miss Brooke loaded up her mule Socks and came and picked up Lucky and me for an awesome trail ride yesterday. The weather started out nice but ended up raining by the end of the day. We were undeterred. We went to a horse camp area just north of Florence and rode a 7.5 mile trail. What fun! Here Lucky and Socks are being watched by Brooke's Border Collie, Tucker. Lucky looks like he's napping.
Tucker led the trail the whole way, and it was his very first trail ride. He just did an awesome job.
Lucky had a blast too, he never lost that ears-forward, interested look nor the spring in his step. He was tired and hungry by the time we got back to the trailer tho, so he and Socks had a snack and a rest before the ride back home.
I recently did a location senior session too. Gorgeous property and a gorgeous subject, how could we go wrong?

Thanks for looking, have a great week!!


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