Lucky 14

Today is Lucky's 14th birthday. He is just doing so well, and I'm so tickled to have him in my daily life.

He came into my life when he was 3 1/2 years old. He was owned by a young woman who had no time for him, and she traded him in at the car dealership where I worked in December of that year. As soon as I saw they had taken him in on trade, I had my hand up, asking can I buy him? I hadn't even met him yet. I drove up to Otis to meet him, and he was in a huge, multi-stall barn with a covered arena - all by himself. He only had chickens for company. Poor guy. He was being fed one measly bucket of oat bran a day, and was so skinny.

He was tall, gangly, and YOUNG. It was winter so he had a long dull coat. Didn't look like too much of a prize, but I didn't care. I rented a trailer and borrowed a truck and went up and got him with the help of my co-worker, Damien. We took him to the fairgrounds to stay a while, and they assigned me stall #13. I ended up giving a dollar for him, to the dealership, and still have the bill of sale. So he is my Lucky Buck. His previous owner called him "Sweet Pea" - I thought that was way too demeaning for such a beautiful creature.

We've been together almost 10 years... we've had a lot of fun together. I think I'll keep him. Maybe I'll marry him... :) Happy Birthday, Big Guy!


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