Sick and Tired

of being sick - and tired. I've had a bad chest and head cold for the last week or so, and it's just been miserable. I won't bore you with the details. My wrist is feeling better every day, the bruising is turning yellow now, which means it's healing. Yay. I like my short hair more every day too.

Freckles the Wonder Dog graduated her basic obedience class with honors, meaning we had perfect attendance. We had a lot of fun, too... and learned lots of things we can practice. She is such a smart dog, she 'gets' things really quick. And I can't say enough good things about Sue Giles Green. She really knows her stuff. And she makes it a lot of fun.

The restaurant next door is undergoing quite the transformation. Chef Wheeler (from the Embarcadero) has purchased it and is remodeling the interior. The new name is "Chef's Place" and they are shooting for their grand opening to be in early December. That'll be nice. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does with the place.

Have a great weekend!


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