The importance of capturing moments in time…

I’ve always known that photographs are important. We are able to capture moments in time and keep them available for us to revisit at our whim. As time goes on, they become more important to us, to the point that if people are threatened with having to evacuate their homes in a hurry, one of the things they grab is their collection of photographs.

It has been driven home to me even more so in the last few weeks. I posted some of my favorite images of Rachel here. I was hired to create her senior portraits and we did so on the last day of August of this year. Rachel graduated high school early, and at 17 was a freshman in college. She had a lot going for her: looks, brains, personality, a large family who loved her, and many friends.

Rachel lost her life in a vehicle crash on November 18th just outside of Bend, where she was attending college.

All of a sudden, the beautiful images I captured of her that day are so much more precious. I don’t mean monetarily, I mean in heart-value. Love-and-loss value. They are the most precious things we have to hold onto when we lose someone we love. The first thing people do when they lose a loved one is go through their photographs of them and hold them near and dear to help us feel closer to the person whose image is presented.

All of a sudden, the career I have chosen has become so much more important in the grand scheme of things. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to capture people’s moments in time and preserve their precious memories with beautiful portraits that they will always treasure.


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