Happy Anniversary, Baby!

Today is Eric's and my third wedding anniversary. We were married in the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse with only family and close friends in attendance. Then we threw a party at the Embarcadero in the Fireside Room overlooking the bay and the fireworks.

Irony of ironies, we didn't hire a professional photographer to cover the event. It was a couple of months before I decided I'd look into becoming one, but back then I didn't envision myself doing weddings or portraits, I just wanted to create and sell scenics. So we only have pictures that were taken by guests with those little throw-away cameras.

This is my favorite one, I think it was taken by my mother.

As I posted previously, it's so very interesting to take a look at the images of our lives. In looking at this collection from only three years ago, I see one person who is now in prison for the rest of their lives, and one dear soul who was taken from us by cancer at only 44 years old... (Godspeed, Sherri, I sure do miss you.) And lots of friends and family that live nearby, but that I rarely see.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary to my sweet handsome husband. I love you dearly.


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