The Great Outdoors

Recently, I attended the Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife's 3-day "Becoming an Outdoor Woman" camp-out at Drift Creek Camp, southeast of Lincoln City. The weather wasn't great, it was chilly and rainy the whole weekend, like our entire spring has been here. But it was a lot of fun. Hiking thru the woods, I ran across this face watching me. It's just moss and stuff growing on a tree, but how cool is this?
Drift Creek is beautiful, no shortage of water there, that's for sure.
Saw some raccoon tracks in the muddy riverbank...
This maple is huge over the river. Beautiful!
Saw a Hobbit House.
And a pretty waterfall.
Drift Creek Camp is a Mennonite Camp and a neat place to go. I vaguely remember being there as a little girl, maybe in Brownies or something. One of the classes they offered was fly-fishing. Here, one of the volunteer instructors tries for a trout.
This is the inside of the ground floor of the lodge. A pretty cool place to hang out.
And the exterior of the main lodge. There are cabins around the periphery too.
It really was a fun experience, the classes I got into included wood carving, outdoor cooking, map & compass navigation and archery. Guess if we wait for it to stop raining around here, we'll never get to do anything. Hope we get some sunshine soon. :)


  1. Isn't this where our entire 6th grade class went for a week at the end of the school year? It seems like we did lots of fundraising projects to raise money to get there. That was when all of the 6th graders were at Central school. In fact I think we might have been the last class there! I really enjoy your photos Nancy!

  2. How lovely the photos, and fun to read your blog Nancy, always best to you!


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