Spring fever

First off, Happy Birthday to my friend Kim. Now she's as old as I am. Newport's Seafood and Wine Festival was this past weekend, and was a huge success. The weather was great, the people were out and spending money, and the festival theme was piratical, so it all came together as a great time. I poured wine for the local Sweet Adelines , and this is the figurehead that was created to decorate the booth. Everyone wore costumes and they (we) looked very much in the spirit of the event. What fun! Yesterday Freckles and I met up with our friend Guy to traipse around on the beach and check out what fun things we could find down there. With his assistance, I found some AWESOME fossil pieces and brought them home to grace my backyard. If you are interested in fossils of any kind, I highly recommend taking a field trip with Guy - he is an absolute expert. Miss Freckles enjoyed the two hours we spent down there too, she was a very happy dog. She laid down when we got home and ...